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The Inter-cultural Spouses Association (ISA) was founded by foreign women with Korean husbands with the purpose of providing a support network to foreign spouses of Koreans who are either living in Korea or abroad. It is envisioned that through ISA, living in Korea will become much easier. (See draft of concept paper).
Mission Statement
- Membership
- Mission Statement
- Organizational structure
- Standing Committees
- Temporary headquarter
- Membership:
Foreigner women with Korean husbands, who are living in Korea or abroad, and other individuals who are willing to support the cause of the organization..
- Mission Statement:
"To provide links, networks, mutual support, assistance, and empowerment to foreign women with Korean husbands and their families to be able to make Korea as their home."
- Organizational Structure:
Executive Board- This is composed of committed individuals who are responsible for policy and decision-making.
- President
- Vice-president
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Auditor
- Business Manager
- Regional Representatives
Advisory Board- This is composed of selected members of society who are willing to advise the core group and have the capability to influence people in authority or/and also has the capacity to refer the organization's concerns to respective government agencies/institutions, and other organizations.
Ambassadors ( since they represent the concerns of their respective countries)
Members of the Korean Bar Association (they can advise legalities)
Administrators from the Ministry of Education
Members of the Mass Media
Standing Committees
Culture- This is aimed at helping foreign women to cushion the impact of culture shock and to help them to overcome cultural difficulties and other social adjustments. Prospective program of activities include language program, cooking lessons, lectures on Korean history, etc.
Link with KUCES, FLCC, Korea National Tourism Organization, Seoul Metropolitan Government, etc.
Social- This is aimed at providing interracial families the opportunity to intermingle together. Prospective program of activities include barbecue parties, picnics, mountain hiking, tours, music and sports, health and physical work-outs, recreation for children, etc.
Needs some link.
Legal- This is envisioned to help foreign women with legal concerns like immigration, nationality, visa statuses, rights and privileges, etc.
Link with the Korean Bar Association (Legal services for expatriates)
Economic- This will take charge of fund-raising and other economic activities to enable the organization to be financially independent and self-sufficient. Program of activities may include fund-raising campaigns like bazaars, food festivals, food catering, putting up an ISA's enterprise cooperative, etc.
Needs some link and sponsors
Welfare- This is aimed at helping foreign women and their families to overcome domestic problems like health, financial, emotional and psychological, etc. Prospective programs may involve protection for battered housewives, counseling for failing relationships, medical assistance, encouragement for husbands who lost jobs and self-esteem, etc.
This committee needs some link
Education- This is hoped to help the children of interracial families to be intellectually, emotionally, and psychologically competitive. Program of activities may involve language teaching, music and art lessons, children's library, day care center, etc. Lecture from the Ministry of Education may be needed to orient parents on Korea's educational system and the categories of schools in Korea.
Needs some link especially from the Ministry of Education
Interpretation- This is hoped to help transcend language barriers among and between members vis-a-vis the entire Korean society
Public Relations, Promotions, and Announcement- This is necessary to inform and keep member updated with the activities of the organization.
Link with Dialogue, Korea Herald, Korea Times, Seoul Classified, Korea Yellow Pages, Internet homepages, and other free media, and the group's own Bulletin Board
- Temporary Headquarter
- UNESCO House Bldg., 10th Flr, (Please look for ISA's Bulletin Board. Read and leave message or any announcement). Also, look for sponsors who can offer other venues for meetings.
Please send any comment and suggestion to: